Feel free to join us and be a part of our church family.
Group Of People Reading Bible Together

Growing and digging deeper into His words equip us to follow His will and purpose in our daily lives. Having fellowship with our families in Christ allows us to strengthen our faith in Him. That is why to keep our fire burning, you can freely choose and take part in the wide array of ministries we offer.

Here are our ministries:

Men of Integrity

Our men’s ministry allows the head of our homes to be filled with wisdom and integrity in managing and handling family members according to God’s will. We firmly believe that our fathers play a huge role as they are considered the head of every household. It’s important for us to establish God-fearing and faithful men to their spouses and children.

Women of Virtue

We have various activities for women as we journey with them in their service to the Lord. Our mothers play an essential role in every household as they take care of everything and everyone in the family. We want to equip women into becoming more of God’s purpose for them wherever they may go.

Young Adult

We want our young adults to be founded in the word of God. We also believe that at this phase, most things can be challenging for them, starting from peer pressure to conforming to the patterns of this world. It is our goal to help them grow in God’s love and be involved in our church so they can be filled with his words. No matter how hard life can be, our leaders and pastors are always here to guide young adults to the right path.

Junior Church

Our juniors are important to us. We believe that it is best to start planting the word of God in their hearts while they are young. If you want your kids to be active in church, please feel free to let them attend our Junior Church service.


Our talents and skills are not ours to boast about. We believe that they are gifts from the Lord, and it is right to offer them back to Him. We have a group of choir singers who are always grateful and ready to use their lovely voices to shout praise and worship to our Lord Jesus Christ.


Our media team is responsible for giving us a smooth-sailing service at church. They are also considered our technical team, starting from projectionists to audio tech.

Reach Out to Us!

Send your concerns and testimonies to us! We’d love to read and entertain them. Please feel free to get connected with us today!